October Offer: Stoptober, stop smoking or vaping in one session £199 Learn more 

Stoptober: Break Free from Smoking and Vaping with Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham

Stoptober: Break Free from Smoking and Vaping with Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham

Stoptober: Break Free from Smoking and Vaping with Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham

With Stoptober right around the corner, there’s no better time to reflect on your smoking or vaping habits. Whether you're a smoker or vaper, it’s important to know the hidden dangers of these habits—especially for your family and pets. 

And the good news? Hypnotherapy can help you quit in as little as one session.

The Hidden Dangers of Smoking and Vaping

Smoking is widely known to be dangerous, with over 7,000 chemicals in each cigarette, including harmful substances like formaldehyde, arsenic, and benzene. At least 70 of these chemicals are carcinogens, meaning they can cause cancer. These toxins don’t just stay in your lungs—they linger in your environment, especially in your home.

Many people believe vaping is a safer alternative, but this is far from the truth. While vapes contain fewer chemicals, they still harbor dangerous toxins. Vaping liquids often include nicotine, formaldehyde, diacetyl, and other harmful chemicals that can cause severe lung damage and potentially lead to cancer. 

And these toxic chemicals don’t just disappear; they settle in your home, posing risks to your loved ones.

The Hidden Dangers of Vaping in Your Home

If you vape indoors, the vapors don’t simply vanish into the air. The chemicals released during vaping settle on soft furnishings, carpets, curtains, and even your pets’ fur. This is especially concerning if you have children or pets, as they’re far more likely to come into contact with these surfaces. 

Every time your child plays on the floor, snuggles up on the couch, or pets their furry friend, they’re being exposed to the harmful chemicals left behind by vaping.

Children’s developing bodies are particularly vulnerable to these toxins. Regular exposure to the chemicals found in vape liquids, especially the carcinogens like formaldehyde, can increase their risk of long-term health issues. 

Similarly, pets—who spend a lot of time close to the ground and licking surfaces—can also be exposed to these harmful chemicals, putting their health at risk.

The Addictive Cycle of Vaping and Sugar

Another hidden aspect of vaping is its link to sugar addiction. Many e-liquids are packed with sweeteners that make them taste appealing, but this sweetness can also fuel an addictive cycle. Just like sugar in food, these sweeteners activate the brain’s reward system, leading to stronger cravings—not just for nicotine but also for sugar. This can make vaping harder to quit because you’re dealing with two addictive substances at once.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Quit in One Session

Unlike nicotine patches or gum, which only address the physical addiction, hypnotherapy works on a deeper level, reprogramming your subconscious mind to let go of the habit. Whether you’re smoking or vaping, hypnotherapy helps you break free from the mental and emotional triggers that keep you addicted.

In many cases, just one hypnotherapy session is enough to quit smoking or vaping for good. During our session, we’ll explore your specific triggers—be it stress, boredom, or even a sugar craving—and work to rewire your thinking so that smoking or vaping no longer feels necessary.

Why Choose Hypnotherapy in Cheltenham?

As a qualified hypnotherapist in Cheltenham, I specialise in helping individuals break free from smoking and vaping. At Phoenix Hypnotherapy, I offer a free initial consultation so you can explore whether hypnotherapy is right for you. My approach is tailored to each client’s needs, ensuring that your session is effective and life-changing.

This Stoptober, Protect Your Health—and Your Family’s

Stoptober is the perfect time to make the decision to quit smoking or vaping, not just for yourself but for the safety of your family and pets. Imagine living free from the harmful chemicals, knowing you’re no longer putting your loved ones at risk. By quitting now, you’ll protect your children from the carcinogens found in cigarettes and vapes, while also shielding your pets from exposure to the toxins that settle in your home.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Hypnotherapy is a fast and effective way to quit smoking or vaping, often in just one session. Take advantage of this Stoptober to break free from the habit and enjoy a healthier, happier life for yourself and those around you.

Take the first step by booking a free, no-obligation consultation at Phoenix Hypnotherapy today. Let’s work together to protect your health—and your home—from the dangers of smoking and vaping.

Quitting smoking or vaping brings rapid improvements to your health, starting just hours after your last puff. Here’s a timeline to show how quickly your body begins to recover after you stop:

When you decide to STOP this habit within 20 Minutes your body reacts:

  • Heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop back to normal levels.
  • Circulation improves, with your hands and feet starting to warm up as blood flow becomes more efficient.

Within 8-12 Hours:

  • The level of carbon monoxide (a toxic gas from smoking) in your blood drops, allowing your body to carry more oxygen.
  • Oxygen levels return to normal, helping you feel more energized and less fatigued.

Within 24 Hours:

  • The risk of having a heart attack begins to decrease as heart function stabilises.
  • Lung function starts to improve, although it may take time for the effects to be noticeable.

Within 48 Hours:

  • Nicotine is now completely out of your body, and your taste buds and sense of smell begin to recover, allowing you to enjoy food more fully.
  • Nerve endings that were damaged by smoking begin to regenerate, enhancing sensory perception.

Within 72 Hours:

  • Breathing becomes easier as the bronchial tubes start to relax and open up, making physical activities feel less strenuous.
  • You may start to notice an increase in your energy levels and physical stamina.

Within 1 to 3 Weeks:

  • Lung function improves significantly, and you’ll start to cough less and breathe more easily.
  • Your circulation continues to improve, with physical activities like walking and exercise becoming easier.
  • Cravings for nicotine become much less frequent and intense.

Within 1 to 9 Months:

  • Cilia (tiny hair-like structures in your lungs) that were paralyzed by smoking begin to regain normal function, helping to clear mucus and reduce your risk of lung infections.
  • Shortness of breath and coughing decrease as your lungs heal and work more efficiently.
  • Your overall lung capacity improves, and you’ll feel more active and vibrant.

Within 1 Year:

  • Your risk of heart disease is now cut in half compared to when you were smoking or vaping.
  • Your energy levels are back to normal, and you can enjoy a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Within 5 Years:

  • Your risk of having a stroke decreases to that of a non-smoker.
  • The likelihood of developing mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers is significantly reduced.

Within 10 Years:

  • Your risk of dying from lung cancer is now about half of what it was when you were still smoking.
  • Your risk of other smoking-related cancers, such as pancreatic and laryngeal cancers, also drops significantly.

Within 15 Years:

  • Your risk of heart disease is now the same as someone who has never smoked, and your body has likely healed from most of the harmful effects of smoking or vaping.

By quitting smoking or vaping, your body begins its recovery process almost immediately. Within just hours and days, your body works to repair the damage, and over time, your risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke dramatically decreases.

Using hypnotherapy to quit smoking or vaping allows you to speed up this process by making quitting easier, reducing cravings, and letting you focus on healing. Take that first step today and start the benefits of the journey to full health!

For a limited time only for October the stop smoking or vaping session is on offer for £199. 

Book a FREE no obligation call here .

Enquiry Form

Thank you for considering my services to support you on your journey towards positive change and well-being. Please take a moment to provide me with some essential details so that I can better understand what you require help with.

I look forward to connecting with you and am here to help in any way I can.

Please complete the form below, and rest assured that all information shared, will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and respect.

If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to include them, and I will be happy to address them promptly.

Lesley Ford - Founder Phoenix Hypnotherapy.

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